Meet your awareness guide…

If you want to make the world a better place, start making people feel safer.
— Stephen Porges

Jamie has been a student of Yoga since 2016 and a Teacher since 2017. To say that it is her passion is an understatement. Yoga has held her through many moments of expansion and contraction over the years. It has been an ever evolving sanctuary to meet herself exactly how she is, creating a container for acceptance, curiosity, growth, and an intimate connection to self.

Through all of the ways Jamie shows up for the collective, it's her purpose to facilitate safe, welcoming, come-as-you-are experiences for others who are ready to transform their relationship to themselves + their body and therefore how they show up in the world with others. Jamie’s hope for others is that they can learn to create the capacity to hold their most ALIVE, authentic, and empowered life.

Jamie loves to refer to her classes as sensory, immersive and sometimes mystical. She weaves together Yogic Philosophy, somatic inquiry, creative sequencing for the development of new neural pathways and leaves room for exploration. You will experience some challenge, but not without a heavy emphasis on the breath as your anchor and a portal to embracing what you are capable of in the now moment.

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